Flash Forward – Boston 2007 – John Say

Teams of people take 8 weeks to create a game ready for Alpha.

WiiFlash.com provides files for creating games for the Wii.

Casual games brought in over $1Billion industry his year.

Bejeweled has sold 10 million copies for $20

Showed us the game Flow

LinRider is slated to be a Wii and & DS Title.

Experiments that are done for fun turn into

MIT is designing an audio game that is specifically designed for blind players.


3 kinds of innovation

Iterative – Chuzzle is the iteration of Bejeweled that is different enough and changed enough that it is another game and not cloned.
Innovative Fusion – Taking poker and combining it with Mahjong
Radical Innovation – Brand new game lke linerider

Edutainment fell on it’s face originally because of the distribution model on CD etc.. and the fact that they couldn’t truly be innovate like we can be now with Flash.

Xprize is having a contest just like they did with Race for Space but they are doing it with the best Educational Game.