Giving the Keynote at ELearning DevCon – Rewiring Your Brain

I am pleased to Announce that I am giving the Keynote speech at Elearning DevCon


Rewiring Your Brain

Curtis Morley
Head of Corporate and Global Marketing | FranklinCovey


What is new media doing to our brains? 20 years ago the average number of interruptions and distractions was once every 2 hours. Currently it is once every 2.5 minutes. Urgency Addiction and Information Overload can actually produce Learned ADD and a rewiring of the brain. Learn what research is saying about how we are training our brains to think quickly and shallowly instead of focused and deep thinking and how this plays into E-Learning.


2 thoughts on “Giving the Keynote at ELearning DevCon – Rewiring Your Brain

  1. Hello Curtis,

    I too was impressed by and thoroughly enjoyed your keynote presentation. May I please have a copy of your presentation as well if you are making it available?

    Enjoyed reading your running blog. Running is such an adventure and a journey. I ran a few marathons with my friends and we blogged our training runs. It’s hilarious what happens on runs…. escaped horses in the road, litter crews throwing away “hidden” electrolyte drinks just as I turn the corner, using corn fields as port-a-potties on 18 milers…..

    And your daughter is beautiful. She most certainly should have won!

    Take care!

  2. Curtis:

    I was really impressed by your presentation yesterday. Thank you. I was curious if I could get a copy of your slideshow (PPT, PDF) from the presentation. I didn’t take any notes because I thought that the slides would become available.

    Thank you,

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