Why I wish I had DirectPointe at Home or Blue Screen of “Boredom”?

So, the other day I started my computer and it seemed to boot normally. I logged into to my user account and then I waited for my computer to boot up,
and waited…………..
and waited…………………………………
and waited……………………………………………………….
and waited…………………………………………………………………………………
and the only thing on the screen was a nice solid blue background and my mouse. I could tell that my computer was running because I could move the mouse and the fan would kick on. But there were no icons, no start menu, no taskbar or any bars of any kind.

It scared the livin’ bah-jeebers out of me (and I got really bored waiting)
That same day my wife let me know that she has “a virus thingy” on her computer. So I had to use her virused computer to research why my blue screen of death (no, boredom) computer wouldn’t load up anything.

It turns out that with the help of many forums that I was able to get my computer back to normal. It turns out that windows explorer was not starting.

I know – weird! You’re probably thinking why would windows explorer not start? I was thinking the same thing.
It still has the same issues but I simply open “Windows Task Manager” (hit CTRL + ALT + DELETE) and then I click on “New Task” and this brings up a dialog box that looks like this-

Task Manager

If you are having this same issue just put in the path to start Windows Explorer “C:\windows\explorer.exe” and click “OK” and you should be fine. I suspect that it has something to do with the new hard drive I purchased and how I disconnect it from my laptop.

Directpointe could have figured out my problem using the remote support tool that they have and could have solved my wifes virus problem before she even got it. The computer support that DirectPointe has is fantastic and virtually bulletproof.

As it was I had to do the computer data backup myself and then restore the system from the ground up. That got rid of her viruses and it got rid of about 2 hours of my time. The reinstall of Microsoft Windows sped up the computer dramatically but for some reason the restore CD’s didn’t put in all of the drivers. So there are some components that are still missing the drivers.

So to wrap up the story, I still get the “Blue Screen of Boredom” every time I use my “myBook” hard drive with my laptop and my wife is missing drivers to her computer, and I really wish I had the Outsource my IT to DirectPointe for my home.