Comma Maker

Comma Separated Value Maker

Have you ever had a list in excel or word and needed that list to be separated by a comma and space instead of a new line. Well I have, and still do, so, I thought I would write this little Flash app that creates comma separated values from a list separated by new lines. In other words a list of zip codes will go from this:


to this:
84057, 84119, 84663, 84523

Enjoy and Happy Flashing. Parker, this ones for you.

iStockphoto Promo Code

View My Portfolio

I used this promo code on iStockphoto today and received $15 off my $75 purchase. So I only paid $60 on iStockphoto for 50 credits. A pretty good deal if you ask me. If you click the link above I will get a small commission thanks.

Here is the code – Promo Code: stocklayouts

Thanks to Elizaibeth for turning me onto the promo code.


Giving the Keynote at ELearning DevCon – Rewiring Your Brain

I am pleased to Announce that I am giving the Keynote speech at Elearning DevCon


Rewiring Your Brain

Curtis Morley
Head of Corporate and Global Marketing | FranklinCovey


What is new media doing to our brains? 20 years ago the average number of interruptions and distractions was once every 2 hours. Currently it is once every 2.5 minutes. Urgency Addiction and Information Overload can actually produce Learned ADD and a rewiring of the brain. Learn what research is saying about how we are training our brains to think quickly and shallowly instead of focused and deep thinking and how this plays into E-Learning.