ActionScript Security Error 2060: Security sandbox violation: ExternalInterface caller
cannot access
Description:This error pops up when you are testing or deploying a web page that uses ExternalInterface to call a Javasacript function on the containing HTML page. You may see this error when using Flooglytics (Flash and Google Analytics) or whenAjax is used in conjunction with Flash. It basically means that what you are doing is not allowed with the way you have embedded your swf. It is a really simple solution to fix this ActionScript Security Error
Flex / Flash Security Error #2060 Fix:
In the HTML make sure that the parameter ‘allowscriptaccess’ is set to ‘always’ rather than ‘sameDomain’ or ‘never’ in all cases. Do a search in your HTML for allscriptaccess and change all references. Usually there is two places to cahnge this.
Bad HTML Code using swfObject 2.0:
so.addParam('allowscriptaccess', 'sameDomain');
Good HTML Code using swfObject 2.0:
so.addParam('allowscriptaccess', 'always');
Bad HTML Code using AC_FL_RunContent:
Good HTML Code using AC_FL_RunContent:
Bad HTML Code using embed tag:
Good HTML Code using embed tag:
Bad HTML Object tag:
<param name=”allowScriptAccess” value=“sameDomain” />
Good HTML Object tag:
<param name=”allowScriptAccess” value=“always” />
This should help you resolve ActionScript Securtiy Error #2060
Thanks and as always Happy Flashing
Curtis J. Morley