Google has finally caught up with the likes of FaceBook, Flickr, Photobucket, MorgueFile, Webshots, Picasa, and Smugmug. I knew it wouldn’t take them long. The new API sounds like the perfect solution for Flash YouTube Mashups. Web based applications like BrainHoney, SlideShare, Sprout and worldtv will be able to integrate the solution fairly effortlessly now and keep the look and feel that they want. I imagine that more online and Flash based video editing applications like Jumpcut, Aviary, and RichFLV will be developed.
An article on has the following to say:
“The new APIs will enable developers to create “chromeless” Flash players with a customizable interface built on YouTube software, but without the YouTube branding. Instead, YouTube is asking developers to place a “Powered by YouTube” button on the pages of their sites that contain the API-enabled video players.
Developers will be able to upload videos and responses to YouTube from any device, including cell phones and other handhelds. The APIs will also allow developers to augment the video content on their sites with metadata, such as titles, descriptions, ratings and comments.”
Article/press release on the subject.
To get into the details of the YouTube API
To find out about the features including the chromeless player and get a look at who Geoff Stearns the SwfObject Genius is.
This is great news for all of us Flashers in the worlds 🙂 Thanks Jasson and Thanks YouTube.